Having auto insurance is a necessary part of operating a vehicle on the roads. In the event of a crash your first reaction may be to accept any coverage your insurance company (or the at-fault driver’s insurance company) offers you, but that may not be the wisest course of action. You are obligated to inform […]
Medical Malpractice Claims in Georgia
If you were harmed due to the improper actions of a medical professional who was treating you, you may have a claim for medical malpractice. While not all harm suffered while under the care of a doctor or hospital, constitutes medical malpractice, if the conduct or failure to act that caused your injuries falls outside […]
What is The Penalty for Murder and Manslaughter in Atlanta?
If you have been charged with homicide, murder or manslaughter charges in Atlanta, Georgia you could be facing life imprisonment or even the death penalty. In Georgia, the term homicide covers both murder and manslaughter, and there is only one degree of murder in Georgia, which is when someone kills someone else intentionally or when […]
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